Entering Your Registration Data


Upon registration with Synapsa Productions or its designated representative, you will be assigned a registered name and activation key, which you will need to upgrade from VisiTrax Lite to VisiTrax Standard Edition, or any time thereafter should it be necessary to re-install the software. For this reason, we recommend keeping a copy of both your registered name and activation key in a safe place for future reference if you maintain a secure list of passwords, that might be a good location.


To Upgrade to VisiTrax Standard Edition (or to re-install it):


If your computer is used on the Internet, ensure you have an active Internet connection.
Start up VisiTrax.
Select Register Now! from the Help menu.
Enter the required information.
Click Upgrade.


To remove an existing registration (activation) key:


Start up VisiTrax.
Select Remove Registration Key from the Help menu.
Confirm removal by viewing the About box. It should display "VisiTrax Lite".


Note:If you have Windows configured to use multiple user profiles (login names), you will need to repeat the VisiTrax registration or removal steps outlined above in each profile that belongs to you. (This scheme allows a licensed user to limit use of VisiTrax Standard Edition to the profile or profiles he uses, such that other profiles remain limited to VisiTrax Lite.)


Copyright 2006 Synapsa Productions