This details the VisiTrax change history for versions prior to 2.8, in reverse chronological order.
Changes as of version 2.7.7:
- Now supports printing CD labels via SureThing CD Labeler.
- The "Folder" field is now associated with individual tracks, not volumes. This permits files in two or more folders to reside in the same volume.
- In Track editing dialog, "File Name" field now includes the complete path.
- Deleted "Folder" field from Volume editing dialog.
- Added "P=" field to track records in VTFI spec. (In volume records, the original "P=" field is still supported for backward compatibility.)
- Now recognizes "localhost" as a valid proxy address.
- Added "View > Options > Enable Print Preview" menu option.
- Added "CD > Refresh (read CD again)" to CD Player view's menus.
- Fixed: Status dialog not removed after cancelling (aborting) a printout.
- Tweaked vertical position of column heading underline in printouts.
Changes as of version 2.7.4:
- Now temporarily disables auto-play by default CD player program while in active use.
- Now asks whether current playlist needs to be saved, before clearing it.
- In CD Player, can now Add/Update even though CD artist or title is blank.
- In CD Player, improved coordination between CD artist and track artist fields for same-artist CDs.
- Checks more frequently for changed CD media (compared to 2.7.1).
- Enhanced e-mail address format validation.
- Eliminated memory usage warning. Usage is now recorded in trace.log file.
- Added warning if data copied to clipboard contains upgrade reminders.
- Now permits assigning an index previously assigned to another volume.
- Fixed displayed listing of available index numbers so that discrete whole values aren't shown as ranges.
- Fixed: Dragon Point & Speak truncating combo box fields to 4 characters.
Changes as of version 2.7.1:
- In CD Player view, you now can initiate play by single-clicking on the track number, or by pressing Enter. Also, tracks now can be selected and edited regardless of the track being played.
- Improved CD Player Eject and Pause button logic; reduced mode polling.
- Fixed: Ctrl-P (Print) not disabled for CD Player view.
- Improved Print Preview scaling for better support of various printers.
- Reduced memory usage in Print Preview.
- Fixed: CDDB submittal track numbering broken in v2.7.
Changes as of version 2.7:
- Printing now features a page range selection dialog with a preview panel.
- All Playlist printouts now include a summary containing the total number of tracks with total track time, plus a list of all volume index numbers used.
- High-speed, low-memory combo boxes now used for view filters, and within Volume and Track data entry dialogs.
- Location Index data entry field is now a pure combo box (previously used an overlaid edit box).
- Tracks section in CD Player view now presents a consistent view regardless of whether CD appears to be by various artists. List box is now a grid with editable fields.
- If a CD has already been added to the database, the CD Player view's Add button is replaced with an Update button.
- In the CD Player view, detection of parenthetical track artists is now restricted to titles ending with right parenthesis.
- Added "CD" menu to CD Player view.
- Volume notes now can include multiple lines of extra CD information.
- Playlist gap time range increased to two digits (-99 to 99 seconds).
- In Track data entry dialog, changed "Index" field label to "Track No." for better consistency.
- Fixed: Volume Year not immediately updating from track year changes.
Changes as of version 2.6.2:
- CD Player view now permits editing of off-line data.
- CD Player view now parses track artists from CDPLAYER.INI track titles, just like it does from CDDB track titles.
- CD Player view now recognizes parentheses as another possible track title/artist splitter.
- CD Player view now recognizes various-artist CDs by pattern, even if "various" does not appear in the CD Artist field.
- CD Player Add button now disabled unless all needed fields are filled in.
- Print button now accounts for MRU when repositioning mouse cursor.
- Fixed: Changes view if column header swiped in Volumes view.
Changes as of version 2.6.1:
- In previous versions, when reading CDDB entries by various artists, the software would look for artist names first in the EXTTn fields, then in the track titles themselves (if "/" or "-" splitters were consistently detected). The detection order is now "/", then EXTT, then "-".
- Fixed: Internet address resolution thread was running prematurely, causing failures when using numeric proxy address identifiers, among other possible situations.
Changes as of version 2.6:
- Added Vol Yr column.
- Added Index filtering field to Volumes view.
- Added Edit > Re-index Volumes capability to Volumes view.
- Changed CDPLAYER.INI access method to avoid 64K limitation that existed on some Windows 95/98 systems.
- Changed Add New CD dialog so that Category and Year data entry fields only appear when importing track titles from CD Player view.
- Changing all track artists at once via the Modify Current Track dialog now changes the volume artist as well.
- Initial view when opening a library file can now be changed in the current session via View > Starting View (previously this selection had no effect in the current session).
- Fixed: Selecting Modify Track from Volume Contents view with first track selected sometimes would bring up second track instead.
Changes as of version 2.5.7:
- Now fully processes multiple "Extra" data lines in CDPLAYER.INI.
- Now uses HTTP proto=4 with sites.
- Now updates CDPLAYER.INI in more cases, to catch various edits. Hourglassed the CDPLAYER.INI accesses.
- Reworked auto-complete for Window 2000 compatibility. Also, SHIFT key now overrides auto-completion.
- When copying to clipboard in spreadsheet mode, now uses longer time formats so spreadsheet programs can do more with time data.
- Added shortcuts to data entry fields in volume and track edit dialogs.
- Now inhibits unintentional leading blanks in Folder, Filename fields.
- Fixed: Illegal access if rapid double-insert/modify command.
- Fixed: Printing not re-enabled when switching from a view with no rows to print, to a view with rows to print.
- Fixed: Empty Contents view displays bogus data rather than an empty row.
- Fixed: Filter out all tracks, then switch to Contents view: still showed contents of most recently selected volume (should be empty).
Changes as of version 2.5.6:
- Improved CD Player user response with slow CD-ROM devices.
- Improved wait cursor (hourglass) logic; and column sort now shows wait cursor.
- Increased memory load check hysteresis (was 91/100%, now 50/100), to reduce repeated low memory warnings.
- Moved most View menu configuration options to new View > Options submenu.
- Added "Confirm on Delete" option to View > Options menu.
- Import via paste now can map volume-only YEAR data to tracks.
- Now issues warning sound when deleting volumes or tracks.
- Now supports numeric proxy IP addresses.
- Fixed: Unable to save playlist with empty MRU list (new MRU feature was incomplete).
- Fixed: In CD Player view, double-clicking on a track would play it, but the time and slider did not update.
- Fixed: Could not print listings with just one row of data.
- Fixed: When switching to Volume Contents view from Tracks view, first row would sometimes be highlighted, rather than row of the currently selected track.
Changes as of version 2.5:
- Added most-recently-used file list (MRU) for both libraries and playlists.
- Added "Vol Time" column (total playing time of all tracks in a volume).
- Added Category and Year fields to "Add New CD" dialog.
- Added "Show Grid Lines" option to right-click menu.
- Renamed "Proxy Settings" dialog to "Internet Settings", due to addition of new "Use HTTP 1.1 protocol" checkbox to that dialog.
- Changed default set of main columns for first-time users.
- Cells in secondary (extra) columns are now grayed out to better distinguish them from the main columns.
- When adding new CDs, Media Format field can now set itself per user's own nomenclature for compact disc media.
- When adding new volumes, changing Media Format now automatically selects first available locator index for that format.
- Now displays a warning message if, during a paste operation, any spreadsheet data rows are skipped due to insufficient data.
- Defined category no longer required to import tracks from cplayer.ini.
- Fixed: Data sometimes inadvertently saved to the Desktop folder instead of the original folder.
- Fixed: Paste progress dialog had non-modal behavior.
- Fixed: CD Player starting view option.
Changes as of version 2.4.1:
- Added Volume Category column (automatically populated).
- Arbitrary 900-track limit removed from Volume Contents view.
- More than doubled maximum number of tracks in one playlist.
- Clarified filter hint wording.
- Added "Getting Started" pop-up for new users.
- Incorporated self-adjusting column type weightings.
- Fixed: CDDB not being queried if CD changed outside CD Player view.
- Fixed: No Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X, Ctrl-V editing shortcuts in CD Player view.
- Fixed: Can't select data entry field text using shift-click.
- Updated on-line Help; corrected typo in web page link.
Changes as of version 2.3:
- Now can paste library content from the Windows clipboard.
- Added "Gray Data Entry Boxes" option to View menu.
- Playlist rows can now be moved via drag/drop, similar to moving columns.
- License agreement is now a Help topic instead of a tabsheet.
- Improved default folder logic for saving library files.
- More descriptive error message if unable to save to file.
- Now retains original library file path if unsuccessful saving to a new one.
- Added Help topics on paste, backup, migrating VisiTrax to another computer, and merging library files. Added Help description of playlist files (.vxp).
Changes as of version 2.2:
- Now protects against accidentally overwriting the example library file (Example.trx).
- Playlist view now permits negative gap times.
- Now supports non-numeric [Vxxx] section labels in VTFI import files.
- When opening a file or selecting File>New Library while in CD Player view, it wasn't apparent to new users that this did anything. Now switches to an appropriate data view.
- Clarified Help in a few areas, particularly with respect to alternative methods for Adding a New Volume (or CD).
- In CD Player view, replaced "New CDs" button with a simple menu link to our own web site's search page.
- While CDDB enabled, CD player now selects <cdplayer.ini> by default only if every track is titled therein.
- Fixed: Add New Track dialog not truly modal following Add New Volume dialog.
Changes as of version 2.1:
- Added new File>Print submenu option for printing currently-viewed columns.
- Unless sorted by index, printed listings from the Volumes view are no longer split into different page groupings. (Page groupings in such cases can still be printed by selecting one media format at a time.)
- Added new string index consistency check when opening database files.
- Revised logic for determining when to update cdplayer.ini.
- Player now recognizes CDs in database with Media ID but no Disc ID.
- VTFI import now ignores redundant volume sections.
- P key was activating pop-up menu (should have been Alt-P only).
- Now inhibits adding new "empty" volume if CD ejected while in Add New CD dialog.
- Now inhibits undelete of tracks that were merely modified, not deleted.
- Fixed bug wherein deleting a track-only artist could cause the artist field to change in other tracks by that same artist. (This could occur merely by modifying a track.)
Changes as of version 2.0.6:
- Fixed lock-up problem that could possibly occur when entering new track via keyboard.
- CD Player was showing non-blank CD title and artist on initial view with no CD inserted.
- CD Player was presenting Enable CDDB dialog for non-audio CDs.
Changes as of version 2.0.5:
- Now supports track number A/B suffixes (e.g. 1A, 1B, 2A, ...) for singles.
- Alt-P now brings up a listing view's popup menu.
- Listing view's popup menu now includes a "Tabs Font" option, replacing the one-option right-click popup menu that used to exist for the view selection tabs.
- Keyboard access to the two Playlist view buttons is now via the Alt-P menu. (The previous shortcut keys were conflicting with another feature.)
- In Playlist view, Alt-Up/Down replaces Ctrl-Up/Down for moving a track up or down in the list. Ctrl-Up/Down is now the same as in the other listing views.
- Ctrl-Left/Right now temporarily scrolls a listing left or right one column.
- Now assumes that if you press Up, Down, PgUp, or PgDown while in a listing view Filter field, your intent was to go up or down in the listing.
- Enhanced protection against inserting blank tracks.
- CD Player view more responsive to database changes in other views.
- Added more helpful and descriptive pop-up dialogs to CD Player view, including automatic "Add New CD" dialog where appropriate.
- To reduce chance of inadvertent duplicate CD entries, "Add" button in CD Player view is now disabled if CD has already been added.
- Added Edit | Find... menu option.
- Added Proxy Configuration dialog, to permit override of automatic setting.
- Now imports from CDPLAYER.INI (finally!)
- Fixed hang problem if CD is inserted while registration dialog is active.
- Text file reader now supports non-sequential volume section numbering.
- Added code to discard any orphaned track records when reading .trx or text files.
- Eliminated TClientSocket exception on lookup if Internet access blocked. Added more detail to related "can't connect" error message.
- Jump/Search processing now addresses discontinuous sort sequences such as "Ab...", "A(umlaut)b...", "Ac...", etc. (i.e. now can locate A(umlaut) in the midst of a series of A's).
- Fixed problem wherein changing column width by double-clicking on sizer frequently changed sort order as well.
- Now recognizes CDs with non-audio material ahead of the audio tracks.
- Improved Jump/Search processing to work better with punctuation, etc.
- More intuitive column auto-sizing: width reduction limited to heading widths.
- For variable-width columns, double-clicking on the column sizer now adjusts width per widest item in column.
- Manual CDDB URL specification is more flexible (IP addresses are even accepted).
- ClientSocketRead not returning to idle state after invalid CDDB host response encountered. Fixed.
- Did not properly handle missing [COUNTS] section in VTFI. Fixed.
- Added C=, Y= options to volumes section. Together with A=, these now can be used to establish defaults for corresponding track sections. (See updated specification.)
- In numeric filtering (Year / BPM), "0" was treated as a special case and intepreted as "0-1". It is now interpreted properly as "0-0", so that data values of "1" can be used as one would expect.
- Preview versions now provide automatic notifications for newer preview versions.
- Revised internal database housekeeping for even better speed and greater capacity, while reducing the amount of memory required for small libraries.
- The maximum number of tracks that can be imported from a text file has been vastly extended.
- The name "Location" is now used for those columns with combined volume index and track number.
- "Copy List to Clipboard" has been split into two selections, "Copy Main Columns to Clipboard" and "Copy Every Column to Clipboard". Data is now saved to the clipboard according to visual column arrangement.
- Shift keys are no longer treated as alternative shortcuts (vs. space bar) for modifying volumes/tracks, so that they can be used in row jump/search strings.
- Row jump/search now accepts all ANSI key codes (not just US).
- More columns have been added to the Tracks view (all sortable).
- A complete set of Sort menu options is now provided in the Tracks and Volumes views.
- Ctrl-O and Ctrl-S shortcuts have been added for Open and Save.
- Filters now support logical OR using "+" (e.g. "Rock+Reggae").
- Filter shortcut function keys were changed to avoid F4, which is the common Windows shortcut for dropping down a combo box list.
- Filter shortcut function keys now appear in the hints (floating tool-tips).
- Added "View | Hide Playlist when Empty" option.
- Initial sort order is now taken from initial column ordering (Tracks and Volumes views).
- Sort column selection now requires left button down/up in same cell, to reduce chance of accidentally changing sort column.
- Fixed: When playing certain CDs, CD player would skip past some tracks.
- Fixed: After startup query and "Yes" response, registration dialog did not display properly.
- Freeware version now supports all file types supported by the registered version (text file output is limited to 100 volumes/1000 tracks).
- Several transient dialogs are now dynamically created only as needed.
Changes as of version 1.9.6:
- Compatible with more proxy/firewall environments (extraneous address prefix/suffix parsed out).
- If DNS host unreachable (as can occur when Internet access is locked out by firewall software such as ZoneAlarm), an uninitialized IP address string would be used, preventing correct error reporting. Fixed.
- For first-time installs, an example database file is opened automatically. As of v1.9.2, this hadn't been working correctly (wrong directory; empty view). Fixed.
- Example database file renamed to "Example.trx".
Changes as of version 1.9.5:
- Now sorts using any combination of columns (Tracks/Volumes views).
- Printed Track listing titles now indicate the topmost sort order.
- In Tracks/Volumes views, the "scroll-to" keyboard shortcuts are no longer limited to single characters, and now key to either Artist or Title, depending on sort precedence.
- Added "Starting View..." option to View menu.
- Added "Enable CDDB Automatically" option to View menu.
- For CDs already in your database, the CD Player view now shows that data first, regardless of whether CDDB is enabled. "<Start a new entry>" now reads "<Local entry>" as a result.
- Pressing a filter field's shortcut key (e.g. F5) while already in that field now reselects all the text in that field.
- Tracks view status bar now displays track number and category even if its volume has no assigned locator number.
- Printouts in progress now indicate document titles in Print Manager.
Changes as of version 1.9.3:
- Improved proxy connectivity versus v1.9.
- Proxy servers running Traffic-Server convert "daily limit exceeded" messages received from CDDB into "good" but empty messages, so the user never gets to see CDDB's original message. VisiTrax now detects this special case and provides a clear explanation.
Changes as of version 1.9.2:
- First release built with new compiler version (BCB5).
- Now waits until setup program has closed before starting up the first time.
- Now uses HTTP 1.0 by default unless a proxy is being used, to be back-compatible with some older servers.
- Now uses EnableAutodial registry value to determine if dial-up networking is used.
- Revised artist hide/unhide mechanism in Volume Contents view to work better with custom column settings.
- Fixed: If Submit selected immediately after editing the e-mail address field, the change wouldn't take effect.
- Fixed: If started by opening on a .trx file from Explorer, the short file name would appear in the title bar. Now shows long file name.
- Fixed: When typing in a filter, the automatically-appended "=" was selected, which would cause it to be erased if backspace was hit (counter-intuitive).
Changes as of version 1.9.1:
- In long printouts, lengthy titles could become excessively truncated. This is considered a very minor fix, as the problem had existed since v1.6 but was never reported until after v1.9 was released.
Changes as of version 1.9:
- Remembers custom column selections between sessions.
- Remembers most recently used CDDB URL between sessions.
- Supports optional typed-in CDDB URLs (e.g. "").
- Show All button in Tracks view now clears Media Format filter along with the others.
- Improved CD media change detection.
- Added low-memory detection and warning message.
- During socket connection, now explicitly performs gethostbyname() in a separate thread to address potential blocking problem in Win95/98 (WinNT/2000 have always been perfectly well-behaved here).
- More informative message for sockets error code 10054.
- Minor improvement to HTTP protocol auto-fallback introduced in 1.8.
Changes as of version 1.8:
- Added ability to change which columns you see.
- Added new columns to pick from.
- Improved performance and reliability in reading data from CDDB (auto-fallback from HTTP 1.1 to HTTP 1.0 to support outdated proxy servers).
- Mouse cursor now steps out of the way if you start typing data in.
- Changed legend on one of the CD Player view buttons (now reads "New CDs").
- During install/update, Example.ldb is now loaded only if there was no previously-loaded library.
Changes as of version 1.7.1:
- All track filters now apply to the Volumes view as well. Added new "Remove Track Filters" button to this view.
- Improved artist name swapping via double-click; now applies to titles, too.
- Spacebar press from Tracks view now switches to Contents view (instead of just beeping).
- CD Player time now flashes while in Pause mode.
- Automatically updates CDPLAYER.INI when adding a new CD.
- Auto-default e-mail address in CD Player view.
- Minor button style changes in a couple of places.
- Changed color of <all> in filter fields to Windows "highlighted" color, because the color formerly used looked too similar to "disabled".
- When dialog font is changed (light vs. normal), some of the filter data field fonts didn't immediately change as intended. Fixed.
- Changed data entry auto-completion so that cursor is at the start of the suggested (highlighted) text, instead of at the end.
- In Volumes view, both columns 2 and 3 are readjusted in width if column 1 width changes (previously only column 3 was readjusted).
- Quickly dragging CD Player list box cursor bar up and down could inadvertently change its contents. Fixed.
Changes as of version 1.6.2:
- Minor change to CD detection method.
Changes as of version 1.6.1:
- Added "Light Dialog Fonts" option to "View" menu.
- F2-F10 added as accelerator keys (shortcuts) to various filter fields, etc.
- Changing Windows login name used to void authorization key entry; now it does not.
- The method used in version 1.6 to keep extra-lengthy titles in printouts from overlapping onto adjacent columns used an API call that doesn't work well on some systems (so artist/title text didn't always print). Fixed.
- In the CD player, Play would resume after Pause from the position at which paused, even if a new track or position had been selected. Fixed.
- When switching focus from a Tracks filter edit field (e.g. Year) directly to the list grid, the list lost keyboard focus (so arrows keys did nothing). Fixed.
Changes as of version 1.6:
- Right click on a database list now selects the row (left click no longer needed first).
- Now automatically appends "=" when typing into any filter field supporting wildcards.
- Added "How to Use Help" option to the Help menu.
- Added page numbering to printouts.
- Extra-lengthy titles in printouts no longer overwrite adjacent columns.
- Expanded the content captured to clipboard especially that from the Tracks view, which now includes every available database field (yes, another way to export the database). To facilitate re-sorting in a spreadsheet, the volume locator and track index are now saved as separate columns. Captured column ordering also changed a little.
- Text file read is perhaps twice as fast as before, and more forgiving about missing data.
- Setup package now includes W95INF32.DLL for those rare systems that are missing it (used by Windows to add new programs).
- Optimized code a little more, to pave the way for some future plans. (Still more paving to do it's one of those successive-collapse things.)
- Tweaked Winsock usage logic a bit more to improve time-out handling.
- Checking for an active Internet connection was leaking handles fixed.
- CD auto-detect while displaying an upgrade reminder caused an invalid pointer exception fixed.
Changes as of version 1.5.2:
- Enhanced support for arbitrarily associating CDs with volume entries, including automatically setting time fields for tracks if current volume corresponds to currently inserted CD. Especially useful for adding entries for custom CDs.
- Added CD media ID in status line of Volumes display (when applicable), to make it easier to spot which volumes have been associated with CD media.
- CD autodetection now commences automatically (no longer waits for first explicit access to CD Player view).
- Double-click on Artist edit fields now swaps first name, last name (4 places).
- Disabled column resizing cursor for always-autosized columns.
- Corrected minor nuisance wherein resizing could cause two or more active filter combo box fields to appear highlighted at the same time.
- Retired yet another diagnostic message: D102.
Changes as of version 1.5.1:
- CATEGORY and FILENAME fields now included in track lists copied to clipboard.
- FOLDER field now included in volume lists copied to clipboard.
- BPM no longer constrained to even values only.
- Text import improved for volume records with no index numbers.
- Undefined media type prefixes now assigned unused pairs of letters.
- Improved status dialog display update response.
Changes as of version 1.5.0:
- Added "BPM" column to Tracks and Playlist views.
- Added "Notes" column to Volumes view (new data field).
- Added "Copy List to Clipboard" option to the listing views.
- Added "Convert to Volume" option to Playlist view.
- Added "=" as a single-character wildcard alternative to "..".
- Revised method of computing CD track lengths in CD Player view (improved access to goofy tracks with non-monotonic time encoding and "hidden" material).
Changes as of version 1.4.4:
- Column sorting now toggles between ascending and descending order.
- Improved volume and track dialog default sizing and scaling for systems configured to use large fonts.
- improved support for extended CD media.
- Replaced "VisiTrax Lite" graphic watermark in printed listings with small text.
- Replaced D098 diagnostic message with some socket reinitialization code.
- Minor on-line Help fix-ups.
Changes as of version 1.4.1:
- Increased maximum lead-in time.
- Improved wording in registration dialog.
- Minor cosmetic fix in status bar when in Volume Contents view.
Changes as of version 1.4.0:
- Freeware version introduced.
- Active CDNOW link added.
- Allow longer ProxyServer names.
- Accommodate minor Webcelerator anomaly (they return a redirect response on a failed connection rather than an error code, for some reason).
- Fixed minor Location Index list auto-close-up problem, in volume editing dialogs.
- View is now sized to the desktop work area when run the first time for a given user.
- Some users had trouble finding the "Swap Artists & Titles" checkbox when needed, possibly because they had the view sized a little too small. Now auto-adjusts sizing as necessary, if this occurs.
- Eliminated need for "D099" diagnostic message.
- Re-identified remaining internal "Dxxx" messages as "Diagnostics" (was "Debug"), to more accurately portray their purpose.
Changes as of version 1.3.3:
- File | Save As... functionality was inadvertently left disabled (apologies).
Changes as of version 1.3.2:
- RASAPI32.DLL is now optional (only accessed if present).
Changes as of version 1.3.1:
- Added support for proxy user name and password (basic authentication only). Switched from HTTP/1.0 protocol to HTTP/1.1 in the process.
- Added right-click menus to CD Player edit fields (for cut and paste).
- In Modify Existing Track dialog, Artist can now be propagated, like Category and Year could be.
- The space bar is now the preferred shortcut for editing existing tracks or volumes.
- Volume and track editing dialogs are now resizeable.
- In volume editing dialogs, the default Location Index selection logic has been improved, and the corresponding drop-down list has been streamlined to show decimals only where necessary.
- In track editing dialogs, the Year field's up/down arrow range has been changed from (0..9999) to (0..current year).
- Corrected tab behavior in Add New Volume dialog.
- Eliminated D101 diagnostic message (no longer needed).
- Eliminated a couple of potential "access violation" errors.
Changes as of version 1.3:
- Added sorting options (by any column) to Tracks view and Volumes view.
- Now uses Volumes view's own sort setting for printing volumes lists, instead of presenting a pop-up query at print time.
- Added printing from Tracks view, analogous to printing from Volumes view.
- Added "Save Playlist" and "Recall Playlist" options to the File menu.
Changes as of version 1.2.10:
- Improved support for hybrid Internet connections (e.g. DirecPC).
- Corrected problem with "apply to all tracks" feature in Modify Current Track dialog.
Changes as of version 1.2.9:
- Added proxy connection support.
- Minor correction to Location Index drop-down list.
- Improved operation of filter drop-down lists.
- Simplified pop-up messages related to dial-up networking.
Changes as of version 1.2.6:
- Minor shareware dialog changes in response to feedback from one of our download hosts.
Changes as of version 1.2.5:
- Improved the format and content of the Location Index drop-down list that appears in the Add New Volume and Modify Current Volume dialogs.
- Volume locator index digits in the Volume Contents and Playlist views now are vertically aligned independent of the prefix letters.
- Changed to a completely different method for dial-up connection testing.
Changes as of version 1.2.3:
- Track numbering options now are 1-999, A1-99, and B1-99.
- Volumes now can be numbered as AANNNN.N, where A is a letter (A - Z) and N is a digit (1 - 9), as well as the original AANNNN format. The new decimal digit is intended to be used for discs 1, 2, ... in multi-disc albums or small sets.
- Added trailing blank suppression to the text file reader.
Changes as of version 1.2.2:
- Incorporated multinational sorting with protective re-sort during file input.
- Significantly improved text file read speed by replacing a WinAPI parsing function with our own code.
Changes as of version 1.2.1:
- Added support for extended (8-bit) ANSI database entries.
- Moved on-line detection into its own thread.
Changes as of version 1.2:
- Added text file export and import (for registered users only).
- Added full Intro (lead-in time) and BPM support, including BPM filter.
- Changed "Clear Filters" button in Tracks view to "Show All". Does the same thing, just (hopefully) more intuitive. Also added button disable logic.
- Keying +/- in volumes view now switches to Contents view automatically (like swipe action does).
- Delete key in Playlist view now functions like "-" key, to remove an entry from the playlist.
- CD Player's Stop button now resets position back to start of track.
- Added right-click support for CD Player tab (similar to other tabs).
- Changed auto-complete feature so that it doesn't attempt to activate when you select text in the midst of a field and type in some replacement text without explicitly deleting it first.
- In the Add/Modify Track dialogs, tabbing out of the lead-in time field now automatically reformats the contents, similar in behavior to the playing time field.
- Now displays a "Data Locked" message if the user attempts to edit or delete tracks while they are included in an active playlist.
- Revised conditions under which the "remember to save as .trx" reminders appear when working with a .ldb file and saving/modifying a track or volume.
- Added check for dial-up connection established before accessing CDDB.
- Made some minor changes to improve Internet/CDDB connect timeout handling, which has been a problem under Windows 95/98. [Winsock under Windows NT is much better behaved and requires no special handling in this regard.]
Changes as of version 1.1.3:
- In previous versions, after changing or clearing filters, the first track could appear selected, but switching views would show a different selected track. It works better now.
- Added volume context synchronization between the CD Player and other views.
- List Artists checkbox is now enabled when the CD Player view is displaying track titles from the local database.
Changes as of version 1.1.2:
- When CDDB access is disabled, the CD Player now retrieves and displays the title and artist information for CDs already entered into the local database (yay).
- Tweaked connect timeout recovery slightly in the CDDB access software.
Changes as of version 1.1.1:
- Now performs control character filtering when importing CDDB type entries from the CD Player, to avoid introducing extraneous characters into the database.
Changes as of version 1.1:
- Introduced a new, preferred ".TRX" database file format that will be able to handle a number of additional data fields planned in future releases. The older ".LDB" format will remain available to registered users for back-compatibility with legacy software, but it can't be used to save newer types of data, such as lead-in time (intro) or BPM.
- Added a new CD Player view, complete with CDDB support. This view is available only if a CD-ROM drive is present.
- Added Help | Check for Update... menu item, to simplify checking for availability of a new version.
- The Modify Tracks dialog now includes checkbox controls for propagating year and category data to all tracks on the current volume.
- Contents view now suppresses the Artist column if all track artists are the same as the volume artist. Also added new toolbar button to let you turn this feature on or off.
- Added up/down controls to time filter fields.
- Added version info and active Internet links to the About box.
- Made sure all text is selected when tabbing into any data entry field.
- Added focus rectangle update when a partially-obscured, selected list item is scrolled into full view.
- Fixed a memory allocation bug updating the title bar.
- Fixed big memory leak in file reader.
Version 1.0.4:
- Initial general release of VisiTrax, an application for Windows 9x/NT that is back-compatible with Playlist 4.03 (a DOS application available since 1993).