In each library listing view, the columns are divided into two sets:
• | The main columns are automatically kept sized as a group to match the listing window's width, by scaling variable-width columns proportionally as needed. |
• | Any columns you can access by scrolling to the right are extra columns. Extra columns have a grayed-out appearance along with dark blue heading text, so they can be distinguished readily from the main columns. |
To change the relative position of any column, simply drag it by its header to the left or right. To "hide" one of the main columns, drag it to the right into the set of extra columns. To "show" one of the extra columns, drag it to the left into the set of main columns.
Column positions and relative proportions are retained when you exit VisiTrax. Each time VisiTrax starts up, the initial sorting order for both the Tracks and Volumes views is set in descending column precedence from left to right, such that initially, the leftmost column will be the primary sort column.
Example #1: Hiding (demoting) a column
In this example, we will remove the bpm column from view. Perform these simple steps:
• | Click down on the bpm header. Note the vertical position bar that appears. |
• | While still holding down the mouse button, drag the vertical position bar to the right edge of the window. |
• | Release the mouse button. The bpm column will have moved off to the right, out of view. Notice that the variable-width columns automatically resize for you, to make use of the available window width. |
Button down
Drag right
Button up
Example #2: Promoting an extra column into the main view set
In this example, we will bring the Year column into view. Perform these steps:
• | Scroll the grid listing to the right, using the horizontal scroll bar at its bottom, until you see the column you want (in this case, Year). Note that the extra columns are grayed out, and their headings are colored dark blue rather than black. |
• | Click down on the Year header. Note the vertical position bar that appears. |
• | While still holding down the mouse button, drag the vertical position bar to the left, until it reaches the new position you want. Note that the new position needs to be to the left of at least one of the main columns (in this case, Location); otherwise the extra column won't be promoted to a main column. |
• | Release the mouse button. The Year column is now in the main set of columns. |
• | Scroll the grid listing back to the left, so you see the normal, main set of columns. Note that the adjustable width columns (in this case Artist, Track Title, and Category) gave up some of their width to make room for the added Year column. |
Scroll right
Choose column
Button down
Drag left
Button up
Scroll back
Example #3: Swapping the rightmost two main columns
We include this last example because assigning a new rightmost column is a special situation. In this example, we'll swap the Location and Year columns. Note that if you tried doing this by dragging the Location column to the right, you'd actually have an instance of Example #1, above (i.e., you'd end up removing the Location column from view). So the thing to remember here is to move the rightmost column to the left, instead:
• | Click down on the Year header. Note the vertical position bar that appears. |
• | While still holding down the mouse button, drag the vertical position bar to the left of the Location column. |
• | Release the mouse button. The Year and Location columns will have exchanged positions. |
Button down
Drag left
Button up