The View > Options menu offers the following preference settings:
Data Entry Box Colors | This contains a short submenu (Custom vs. Standard). Selecting Custom permits you to select a single custom background color for most data entry boxes. Selecting Standard will apply the default Window background color (as defined in your general Windows display settings). |
Splash Banner on Startup | When checked (default), displays a "VisiTrax" splash banner graphic during program startup. The main purpose of the splash banner is to provide a more immediate indication that the program is starting. If you have an aversion to such things, you can uncheck this option to inhibit the splash banner; however, we doubt you will see any noticeable difference in program startup speed. |
Hint Popups | When checked (default), enables the display of pop-up hints (also known as "tool tips"). These can come in handy when you're first starting out, but some experienced users may prefer to disable them. |
Light Dialog Fonts | Determines the font style used within most VisiTrax dialogs. |
Confirm on Delete | When checked, causes a confirmation dialog to appear prior to deleting a track or volume. Since VisiTrax also has an Undelete feature, you may find it more productive to work without delete confirmation. |
Enable Print Preview | Enables or disables display of the Print Preview dialog prior to printing. If disabled, a simple pop-up dialog will be displayed instead. |
Auto-detect CDs | When checked, will cause VisiTrax to switch to the CD Player view automatically when an audio CD is inserted. |
Auto-connect to Server | When checked, will cause VisiTrax to automatically enable access to the previously selected CD data server whenever the CD Player view is used. This is most useful if you have a continuous Internet connection. |